Kodi: SF-21-0049
Tipi i Skemës Financiare
NVM/Ndërmarrje të Vogla dhe të Mesme
Turizëm, Bujqësi, Tekstil, Lëkurës dhe këpucëve, Artizanat
Data e Fillimit
Data e Përfundimit
15 dhjetor 2021
Min i financimit
0 L
Max i financimit
0 L
Applicants will benefit from tailor-made training that will focus on amortizing the COVID-19 crisis as well as on recovering businesses and adapting to the new post Covid situation.
Training and advisory services will be provided virtually and / or physically depending on the COVID-19 situation and opportunities on the part of the business, or their specific needs. Counseling services may include training, seminars and webinars.
Also, all MSMEs will receive detailed information on the possibilities of securing funding from government schemes, or from other donor schemes according to the needs of businesses highlighted in their applications.
CoSolve-19 is a joint initiative of the German-Albanian Bilateral Development Cooperation programs, namely: "Sustainable economic and regional development, employment promotion, education and vocational training" (abbreviated: ProSEED) and Sustainable Rural Development (abbreviated : SRD). The overall goal is to support MSMEs severely affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis in Albania, first and foremost to maintain employment and why not increase it. In implementing this initiative, ProSEED and SRD aim to make a significant contribution to MSMEs across Albania in the agriculture, tourism, retail and manufacturing sectors. MSMEs will also be strengthened in using new digital solutions and innovation, not only to dampen the current crisis, but also to adapt their activities in order to adapt to the new post Covid situation. These goals will be achieved by providing SMEs with advice and training tailored to their individual needs, including information on funding opportunities for their ideas.
This instrument predicts for the provision of a number of advisory services and training for applicants who will respond to this open call. The overall objective of this call for counseling and training services is:
Supporting MSMEs in the agriculture, tourism and other sectors, to successfully overcome the COVID-19 crisis through counseling and training in order to save jobs, or even increase employment.
• The maximum turnover of MSME according to Albanian law should be up to 14,000,000 Lek per year.
• The business must be 100% privately owned, owned by Albanian citizens.
• Businesses must be registered as micro, small, medium enterprises, or have an active Farmer Nipt.
• The business must have a formal activity at least 6 months before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (the business was registered before October 1, 2019).
Zbatues / Partner
Metoda e Aplikimit
Pasi të shtypni butonin "Shko tek Thirrja", lexoni me kujdes detajet e thirrjes, gjeni faqen e duhur, dhe lexoni me vëmendje mënyrën e aplikimit, çfarë ju kërkohet, çfarë dokumentesh, dhe ndonjë element tjetër specifik. Çdo thirrje ndryshon nga donatori në donator, ndaj duhet të jeni të kujdesshëm dhe të vëmendshëm. Shumica e thirrjeve kanë dhe një seksion për “Pyetje dhe Përgjigje”, apo seksion kontakti.
Për çdo informacion shtesë mos hezitoni të na kontaktoni tek [email protected]. Një punonjës i kujdesit dhe mbështetjes së NVM-së do ju kontaktojë brenda kohës. Ju faleminderit!